Roofer Are The Unsung Heroes Of The Building Industry

Even though people want their homes to be perfect, they can usually live with all sorts of things being not quite right. You know, the “I’ll get round to fixing that one day” stuff.

Unless it’s letting in the weather, a lot of folks learn to live with a broken this, a poorly-aligned that, or a that-doesn’t-look-right something else. After a while, those things tend to be less of an annoyance and more overlooked.

That’s definitely not the case with roof problems, though – partly because any issue with a roof is likely to be the one that’s letting in the weather!

Maybe that's why roofing is such a thankless job

metal roof

Unfortunately for roofers, instead of being seen as the master craftsmen who put the icing on the cake of a home, they’re more often undervalued. After all, few homeowners really take a look at their roofs.

Even people designing their dream home from the ground up tend to spend far more time choosing bathroom furniture, door handles, and light fixtures, which we can understand because those are the things they’ll be looking at and using every day (and visitors are likely to admire and comment about them).

Not so much the poor, forgotten roof. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind.

Once people have decided what sort of roof they want (or simply accepted the plans), they just expect it to be done … and to never have to think about it again.

You hear about it when there’s a problem

Roofing is one of those things where, if you’re good at your job, you hear nothing. You don’t get many pats on the back because you’re just doing your job. Plus, the roof is more of a necessity than a choice.

If you don’t do a good job, though, or something goes wrong, you definitely hear about it. Loud and clear!

Imagine if there was a way to guarantee that at least part of your roof was so reliable, so durable, and so simple to install that it never failed. What if you never got a callback to fix it, refit it, or replace it?


Well, you no longer need to imagine if you’re looking for a standing seam ridge roof vent.

The ultimate standing seam ridge roof vent

Standing seam ridge roof vents can be tricky. They need to fit perfectly and be installed with care, and even then they can be damaged by the weather and infiltrated by critters, water, or bugs.

That’s where Snap-Z comes in.

It’s the breakthrough you’ve been looking for: a standing seam ridge roof vent that’s not only quick and simple to install, but it can withstand the worst of the elements and never needs replacement.

A standing seam ridge roof vent that makes your job so much easier and far less stressful.


Most importantly, it makes you more successful!

By helping you get it right the first time, every time, Snap-Z helps you build your reputation as a roofer of choice.

By making the installation process far more efficient, you spend less time on each job meaning you can fit in more jobs … which you’ll need to do once your reputation for efficiency and faultless work starts to spread!

Get the Snap-Z model that’s right for your job

There are now four different Snap-Z models, designed to work with standing seam profiles of 1”, 1 ½”, 1 ¾” and 2”.

Snap-Z standing seam ridge roof vents are made of 24 or 26-gauge steel or 0.032 aluminum, come in a wide variety of rich fade-resistant colors, and give you the option of pre-applied butyl tape.

All Snap-Z models are available in a variety of lengths, too.

When you’re ready to go, you can order online in just 2 simple steps.

Once you go Snap-Z, you’ll wish you’d discovered it sooner.

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